
Helping Your Child Gain Academic Success


In whatever path they take, we always strive to prepare our children as best as we can. It won’t take too many baby steps before they start walking and exploring the world on their own. The Day Care in Dallas, Texas,is here to support parents in unlocking their children’s potential. It’s a given that progress can be different for every child- some have advanced intelligence for their age, while others could be facing developmental problems.

When you enroll your child in our Preschool in Plano, you allow us to give them access to quality resources which is important in maximizing your child’s academic success. However, learning should not be limited to the learning center. As a parent, your involvement is pivotal in helping them gain confidence to trust in their abilities.

In Transitional Class, we’ve seen bright students who could do so much more if only they get the necessary support. A few words of encouragement and allotting time to read with your child could make a big difference.

As the old saying goes, it takes a village to raise a child. Our Daycare Center is always open to inquiries, and we find joy in collaborating with parents and guardians on discussing the child’s strengths and finding effective methods to improve their weaknesses. It’s not just their academic performance that we focus on; part of our program is giving them a creative space for them to express themselves freely.

Davenport Montessori is here to provide quality education for your child while ensuring good values at the same time.

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